SACRAMENTO – A bill by Assemblymember Dawn Addis (D-Morro Bay) to end California's arbitrary civil statute of limitations for minors who have experienced sexual abuse was approved by the State Assembly this week. The bill – known as the Justice for Survivors Act – was approved by a bipartisan vote of 75-0.
"This critical legislation will end the arbitrary way California allows survivors of childhood sexual assault to seek justice," Addis said. "AB 452 removes barriers that prevent survivors from seeking justice against their abusers and the institutions that concealed or ignored their claims – putting California on track with the rest of the Nation."
The bill – introduced jointly with Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) – explicitly governs future cases of sexual assault, giving institutions time to prevent future cases of child sexual assault.
Assembly Bill 452 now moves to the State Senate, where they will be heard in policy committees there.
CONTACT: Jim Evans, 916-319-2030