Chair, California Legislative Central Coast Caucus (CLCCC)
Resilient coastal communities add so much to California's cultural, environmental, and economic fabric. The goals of the California Legislative Central Coast Caucus are to raise the profile of the Central Coast in the Legislature and to identify and prioritize issues important to the region for caucus advocacy before state and federal government. Members of the Caucus represent the following five counties: Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura.
Chair, Budget Subcommittee No. 1 on Health
Primary jurisdictions include the budget and fiscal policies affecting Medi-Cal, mental health, substance abuse, and public health, and oversight of the budgets of the Department of Health Care Access and Information, Health Care Services, Managed Care, Public Health, and State Hospitals, Covered California, the Emergency Medical Services Authority, and the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission.
Standing Committees
The Budget Committee’s jurisdiction is the Budget.
Primary jurisdictions are K-12 education generally, certificated employees of schools, school finance, and school facilities.
Primary jurisdictions are health care, health insurance, Medi-Cal and other public health care programs, mental health licensing of health and health-related professionals, and long-term health care facilities.
Primary jurisdictions are insurance (excluding health insurance), workers compensation, and unemployment compensation.