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Addis Tackles Gender Violence with Legislation for Survivors

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO—Assemblymember Dawn Addis (D-Morro Bay) joined elected officials, including Assemblymember Mike Fong, Chair of Assembly Higher Education Committee, and Lieutenant Governor Kounalakis to announce their legislative package that tackles sex discrimination and harassment in California's higher education institutions.

Assembly Bill (AB) 1905, introduced by Addis, is one of the twelve endorsed bills aimed at enhancing Title IX by addressing retreat policies on campuses.

"For too long students, faculty, and staff who have experienced the unimaginable have struggled to be heard while perpetrators have been rewarded. It's time for change," said Addis. "AB 1905, the Retreat Rights Reform Act, will right these wrongs. Under this new law, those who have committed acts of sexual harassment will no longer be granted retreat rights and/or positive letters of recommendation."

As a former educator and advocate for women's rights, Addis has made sexual harassment and violence prevention one of her top legislative priorities. Last year, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Addis' legislation, AB 452, titled the Justice for Survivors of Child Sexual Assault Act. Effective January 1, 2024, this new law removes the civil statute of limitations for survivors who experience child sexual assault.

Since January, Addis has introduced four new bills to address numerous issues for survivors, particularly children and students. In addition to AB 1905, her survivor-focused legislation includes the following:

  • AB 1913 updates the content of mandated reporter trainings in TK-12 education to incorporate child abuse prevention training.
  • AB 2295 builds on previous legislation by removing the criminal statute of limitations for child sexual assault.
  • AB 2961 requires minors who are applying for a work permit to take a training on sexual harassment prevention, retaliation, and reporting.

"Since taking office, I've dedicated myself to empowering survivors and equipping them with the legal tools to pursue justice. I am proud that a significant portion of my legislative work has focused on combating gender violence and creating safe environments, especially for our students."

These bills have garnered broad support from schools, labor unions, student advocates, parents, and law enforcement. Currently in the State Assembly, they are pending legislative hearings in their respective committees.

Dawn Addis was elected to the California State Assembly in 2022 to represent the coastal 30th Assembly District, which includes San Luis Obispo, Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties.

CONTACT: Julie Cravotto, (916) 319-2030